How you articulate your mission may be the most important aspect of everything you do when creating a fundraiser. Effective content compels people to give and support you.
Compelling content all begins with the title and subtitle. They serve as the reader's entry point and a way for them to engage deeper with your mission and goal.
Here are the things you need to know about creating an effective, powerful title:
The title should summarize who you are and include the name of your organization and, if applicable, your organization's location.
The title should be clear, concise, not too long, but specific enough to be identifiable with your organization.
A few example titles:
'Help The Lakes Area Food Shelf: Fall Fundraiser'
'Support the Construction of South Portland's Skatepark'
'Become a Sponsor of My Africa Service Trip'
'Lend a Hand to Help Chicago End Homelessness'
'Your $5 Can Help Feed a Child in Sacramento'
'Your Support Will Help Build a New Barn for the Maplewood Farm Sanctuary'